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Early Fire Detection With Titanus®

Detect fires early, with no false alarms

Every second counts where fire is concerned. The faster a fire is detected, the faster action can be taken in order to prevent more serious damage. The head start that WAGNER’S TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors offer can be crucial to a company’s continued existence. After all, fire is an ever-present risk that is not to be underestimated. Material assets, operational processes, people and the environment are always exposed to this threat, which is why appropriate fire protection solutions are so important.

According to statistics by Siegfried Bussenius, the majority of damaging fires (68 %) develop from prolonged smouldering fires. Conventional smoke detectors have a crucial disadvantage there: depending on whether they are optical fire detectors or heat detectors, these smoke detectors will only react to high concentrations of smoke or increased temperatures within the protected area. By that time it is often too late to implement countermeasures.

WAGNER’s highly sensitive aspirating smoke detection systems offer early smoke detection in the pyrolysis phase along with graduated alarms. High response sensitivity, continuous aspirating, and a graded alarm-activation concept ensure early detection of smouldering and incipient fires, so that users have time to react to alarms appropriately.

Functional Principle

WAGNER uses optical aspirating smoke detectors with HPLS technology for early fire detection. The structure of our aspirating smoke detection systems is based on a pipe system with aspirating points and a base unit with a detector module. For project configuration purposes, each of the aspirating points correspond to one point-type smoke detector.

A Head Start When It Counts


Contact your local NFE branch for more information and pricing.
