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FlexHead® Superflex® Flyer

The only fully welded flexible sprinkler drop in the industry is available with patented SLT Technology and SlideLOK® 74FP couplings

No need to measure or count the number of bends, no leaks or kinks, no worries!

This sprinkler drop provides all the flexibility needed for an error—free installation.

Comes assembled, can be used with standard 1" welded outlets and fittings, and reduces labor costs.

Features & Benefits
• Fast and easy installation
• UL Listed for 2" bend radius, up to 12 bends per hoses*
• Eliminates taping or doping of threaded fittings
• Flexible design provides versatility for changes in plan
• Perfect center—of—tile and aesthetic uniformity

*12 bends are only applicable for the 6 foot hose.
