RICE Hydrastatic Testing Pumps
Model FH Series - 1000PSI
The FH-series line of fire hose testers, offerstesting pressures up to 1,000 PSI, with flowrates up to 10 GPM. Gas, Electric, and Dieseldriven models, designed to safely test fire hose upto 6” in diameter. A large 2 & 1/2” swivel inlet aids inthe ability to quickly fill and bleed the fire hosesthrough the large 1 & 1/2” heavy duty manifold, withfour independently controlled stainless steelballvalves. NO WILD LINES - unique to the RICEHydro line of fire hose testers, a ballvalvestrategically placed on the inlet piping allows theuser to fill with “LARGE VOLUME at LOWPRESSURE” and test with ‘LOW VOLUME at HIGHPRESSURE’, eliminating the elements that maycause wild lines. The FH-series hose testers, meetor exceed test standards set forth by the NFPA(1962.5) and the RMA. A safe, less costly and moreefficient way to test your fire hose, keeping yourpumper ready for action, where it should be!