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Theft Stopper

STI-6200 Theft Stopper®


- Highly visible "stop sign" design discourages wrongful use of

- Sounds a powerful 105 dB warning horn when activated, drawing
  attention in a hurry (95 dB low volume setting can be set if desired).

- Virtually indestructible polycarbonate housing.

- Compact patented design 5 in. (127mm) in diameter and 1.875in
  (48mm) deep.

- Mounts easily next to extinguisher.

- Remote powered 12 VDC model available for special applications

- Also available in green housing to comply with newer standards

- Deactivation cable provided for service by authorized personnel.

- 9-VDC alkaline battery is provided.

- Lifetime guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate housing (one
  year on electronic components).

- For fire extinguishers housed in cabinets, refer to STI-6255
  Mini Theft Stopper®.

Click here for the data sheet. 

Note: End user must verify the alarm and battery every six months and replace battery annually or as required.

Fire extinguisher is not included with theft stopper. 

